In association with the law firm Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte, Akademie Fresenius is bringing to you a brand-new free webinar on the EUs’ Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. This webinar explores the overall idea and impact of the CSDDD with a focus on Risk management, legal consequences and practical experiences.
On 25 July 2024, the Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD, Directive 2024/1760) entered into force.
The CSDDD will impose rigorous sustainability and human rights due diligence obligations on a broad scope of companies operating within the EU. It requires companies to identify, prevent, and mitigate potential or actual adverse human rights and environmental impacts connected with their operations upstream and downstream. Companies have to publicly communicate on sustainability due diligence, establish a complaints procedure and can face far-reaching penalties. It also provides access to grievance mechanisms and legal remedies by introducing a civil liability scheme with the right to full compensation and enables trade unions and NGOs to enforce those rights. The effects on companies in scope as well as SMEs will be relevant soon and affect procurement, quality & security, legal etc. The CSDDD as an EU directive must be transposed into national law, which will lead to relevant changes to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).
Professionals from all sectors that will be affected by the CSDDD and working in the fields of:
Picture Credit: © traffic_analyzer – iStock
Timings are in Central European Time CET.
Leonie Evans
Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte (law firm)
Leonie Evans, Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte (law firm), advises and represents national and international clients in all matters of German and European food and feed law as well as intellectual property and competition law. The focus of her legal work is on providing comprehensive advice to nationally and internationally operating companies in the food industry, in particular on issues of product categorisation and marketability, on labelling and product advertising of food supplements, foods for special medical purposes (FSMP), organic and conventional foodstuffs. She also focuses on sustainability issues, the EU Green Deal, EU sustainability legislation such as CSDDD, CSRD, EUDR, Green claims, packaging law and the German Act on supply chain due diligence (LkSG)
mehrwenigerProf. Andreas Meisterernst
Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte (law firm)
Andreas Meisterernst, Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte (law firm), primarily advises and represents national and international companies from the food and consumer goods industry with regard to the entire regulatory framework, often in complex cases at the interface between law and science. His focus is on strategic aspects of product development, distribution in the EU including contract drafting, labelling and advertising with a particular focus on the impact of unfair commercial practices (e.g. health claims, green claims, law on unfair competition). He advises on internal risk management and corporate social responsibility in the value chain including EU and national sustainability legislation and stakeholder issues.
mehrwenigerTeilnahmepreis: € 0,00 zzgl. MwSt.
Es handelt sich um ein kostenfreies Webinar der Akademie Fresenius. Eine Teilnahmegebühr wird nicht erhoben.
Sophie Ullerich
Inhalt und Konzeption
+49 231 75896-78
Sophie Ullerich
Inhalt und Konzeption
+49 231 75896-78
Sophie Ullerich
Inhalt und Konzeption
+49 231 75896-78
Monika Stratmann
Organisation und Teilnehmermanagement
+49 231 75896-48
Monika Stratmann
Organisation und Teilnehmermanagement
+49 231 75896-48
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